šepetėlis bambai nusišluostyti (brush for navel)
2013 m. rugpjūčio 11 d., sekmadienis
Idėja: dovana žmogui, kuris turi viską
Radau internete, dalinuosi ir pasidedu (the idea found in the internet to store and share)
2013 m. birželio 15 d., šeštadienis
Panašu, kad pasižadėjimas rašyti angliškai mane "atjungė" nuo blogo rašymo. Vis dar šį bei tą rankdarbiauju, netgi atrinkau siuvinėjimo reikmenis pardavimui (o gal ir kitus sukauptus daiktus teks parduoti - jie užima begalybę vietos, o ūpo nebėra). Dabar kaupiu mezgimo siūlus, nors, jau labai tikiuosi, kad truputėli aprimau ir šiame fronte.
It seems that a promise to write in English "switched me off" the whole blogging thing. Still crafting, even selected some cross-stitching materials for sale (maybe I'll sell some other kept items - they take place and I don't have any spirit left for heavy crafting). Now I accumulate knitting yarn, but I also hope that I lost my mojo in this front too (accumulating yarn, I mean).
Nerodysiu nieko. Tik pasisakau, kad gyva :)
I won't show anything. Just telling: I'm alive.
It seems that a promise to write in English "switched me off" the whole blogging thing. Still crafting, even selected some cross-stitching materials for sale (maybe I'll sell some other kept items - they take place and I don't have any spirit left for heavy crafting). Now I accumulate knitting yarn, but I also hope that I lost my mojo in this front too (accumulating yarn, I mean).
Nerodysiu nieko. Tik pasisakau, kad gyva :)
I won't show anything. Just telling: I'm alive.
2013 m. sausio 1 d., antradienis
Su Naujais Metais/Happy New Year!
Kiekvieni naujieji turi atnešti pokyčių. Nusprendžiau tobulinti savo anglų kalbos įgūdžius, rašydama blogą ir anglų kalba. Galbūt tik metus :)
Gero laiko šiais metais!
Every New Year must bring some new changes. I've decided to polish my English and use it in my blog. Maybe just for a year.
Have a good time this year!
Gero laiko šiais metais!
Every New Year must bring some new changes. I've decided to polish my English and use it in my blog. Maybe just for a year.
Have a good time this year!
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